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Misinformed Movie Review: Pixar's Lightyear is light years from hitting the Bullseye, here's to hopi

Misinformed Movie Review: Pixar's Lightyear is light years from hitting the Bullseye, here's to hoping I never have to watch it

Pixar's Lightyear presents itself to the audience as an authentic and realistic look into what space travel could look like as humanity seeks to expand its civilisation. However audiences should brace themselves because they will find nothing of the sort in this abomination. Firstly, I would like to point out that while I have not seen the movie, I have seen the trailers and as such have seen all I need for professional and thorough critique. My biggest problem with the film is the tagline of the main character Mr Lightyear who says on numerous occasions, "To infinity and beyond". Now anyone who even has a basic knowledge of maths knows that the whole concept of infinity is that it IS a concept and as such it is preposterous and ridiculous to suggest that one could go to infinity, let alone beyond it. Maybe if the writers could comprehend basic mathematical principles then they would actually have a chance of making a decent film. 37351 / ∞

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